Alerts, Warnings, and Evacuations

Sign-up to receive valuable information when storms are imminent and plan to plan ahead.

How will I know a flood or storm is coming?

  • You will be warned of a flood or storm by radio and TV
  • To be sure you don’t miss the warning, sign-up for emergency alerts via text message, e-mail, or a call on your cell phone through Alert Escambia.
  • Sign-up by calling 850.471.6400 or on-line at Alert Escambia

If a large storm is coming -don’t wait for it – get off the Island

Escambia County has a special needs shelter and a shelter for people with pets.

  • Special needs-know where to go and what to take if you need a place for a person with special needs.
  • Pets- don’t wait to figure it out and DON’T leave them behind. If it’s too dangerous for you, it’s too dangerous for them.

Sheltering with pets | Horses/Livestock

What can I expect when I return?